How Energy Healing Works
All physical matter, including us, is energy vibrating at different frequencies of the radiation spectrum. Higher frequencies of this radiation band are comprised of the Light and Sound spectrum. Light and Sound have a divine intelligence, the building blocks of Creation, and through "intention" may be directed to specific areas of support in order to set into motion "balance" and "equilibrium".
As live, energetic beings, we require live energy, or life force, in order to support our being. Clearing and releasing trauma, using our expression to the fullest and addressing hurtful situations keeps our bio-computer clear of dense and fragmented energies. We supplement our life force from living foods, sunlight and divine light. When we subsist in darkness, eating dead, processed foods and not bringing in divine light by way of energy healing, calling our power back or meditation, we suffer physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Remember, the natural state of Light is equilibrium and balance.
When divine Light is introduced into our system, It acts as a catalyst and transformer, energizing and activating all It touches. Our chakras are the energetic mediators of this life force entering our system. The physical manifestation of this energetic chakra system is our endocrine system.
Energetic blocks in our system are often dense energies of unexpressed trauma, numbed emotions, addictions, fears and physical suffering or pain. Due to our inability to release these dense energies, we turn to self-medicating, addictions and drugs to manage our pain and symptoms.
Understand that Light acts as a catalyst, transforming, energizing and activating all it touches.
Once the catalyst of Light is brought into our energy system things become en flux. Situations begin to move again and we have the impulse to move forward in our personal and spiritual transformation. We can release and transform belief systems and relationships that no longer serve us. We are able to clear interfering subliminal messages, loop thought patterns and thoughts that are not our own. Clarity, hope, peace and balance are within our reach. We ultimately are able to become aligned with our purpose and become the authentic beings we were meant to be.
Energy Healing is vibrational healing, an intrinsically holistic method to augment a divine state of being, a divine state of Life. Sometimes we need a compassionate, supporting hand to introduce us to this phenomenal, new way of self-care. Once we are introduced to these spiritual tools, we may quickly learn and implement this modality for the betterment of ourselves, partners, family, society, the planet and all of existence. Once we implement this holy practice into our daily lives, we are able to quickly transform stagnations and become the true authentic person we were meant to be. We are able to step into our service to humanity and all of existence, seen and unseen.
~Blue Star
"I believe supporting all living beings to reconnect to the Light activates the process of self-healing and transformation in order to create a life of authenticity and purpose."
~ Blue Star
Learn more about Energy Healing, and how it can change your life by scheduling an appointment with me here....