Energy Vampires
Energy, our most valuable resource in the multiverse.
We are many different types of beings seeking out and generating life-force to varying degrees.
The nature of an energetic predator is, that if it were not for the impact of damage they cause, they could warrant our empathy and compassion. A premeditated, energetic predator is often charismatic, seemingly compassionate, and supportive in order to gain access to their subjects life-force. Generally not greatly creative, and often one-dimensional, they are good at emulating learned societal behaviors in order to cultivate their only single-minded purpose of acquiring your energy.
Energetic predators, or vampires, become masters of sussing out and getting close to various social power structures. They know the well from which they seek to feed from. Often creating romantic mythologies and backgrounds in order to perfect the seducement of their prey, they can be enticing and hard to deny.
Not uncommon in spiritual communities, energetic vampires may present themselves as a spiritual elder, or a person of import in order to give advice and support to gain trust. A background knowledge in various energetic modalities and belief systems support their capacity to separate the intended from their valuable life force.
Energetic predators may be prevalent in the family, friend or work hierarchy. They will create drama, chaos or present themselves as sick or in need of help in order to achieve your constant attention and energy. Continued exposure will leave you feeling confused, weakened, sickened and drained.
Energetic predators are attracted to a certain type of prey. Much like predatory animals culling the weak, sick and vulnerable from the herd, energetic predators seek out those who are naive, in need of attention, validation and poor self-esteem, which is probably most of us. They can be intriguing, overbearing, charismatic and helpful. They make it hard for you to say “no”.
Over time, as a vampire evolves into a full-blown menace to the community, they forget how to generate their own life-force. Their energy systems begin to shut down until they feel their only potential source of energy is yours. The energetic predator becomes single-mindedly fixated in acquiring their next infusion of energy.
Like the dark teachers they are, energetic predators may be adept at creating total dependence. They may lead their victims down the path of ruin in order to facilitate an obsessive addiction which generates large amounts of energy for their consumption. Sex or “fascination” magick is one example of this type of addiction.
There are varying, unspoken degrees of symbiotic relationship, permissions and agreements between an energetic predator and his intended. Ultimately, with divine providence, the resulting outcome for the victim may confer spiritual initiation, for often is the case of extreme trauma, we will sink or swim spiritually. Sometimes it is the “so-called” victim which ultimately may be more adept at creating the greater collateral damage upon the predator through their covert behaviors.
An interaction with an energetic predator is a great, though painful learning process for it serves to show us the weakness in our defenses, will power or patterns of dysfunction that need to be cleared and transformed.
We can strengthen our natural defenses by calling back our power, clearing our systems and doing daily self-healing to strengthen our auric field. Activating our internal and external psychic defenses through intention, on a daily basis is helpful. Certain crystals are also helpful for protection.
For more difficult cases, several sessions with a competent energy healer that has the capacity to clear negative energies and attachments will provide support and relief.
When an energetic predator practices black magick in order to take the energy of another without permission, they pay the ultimate karmic price. Invariably, their energetic systems will shut down. Their intended source of energy will eventually cut them off. If they are unable to replace the energy source, their physical and mental vehicles will go into decline, often rapidly.
If an energetic predator has the mental, spiritual and emotional capacity to rehabilitate their current mode of behavior, relearning to generate their own energy to sustain their systems is key.
"I believe supporting humanity to reconnect to the Light activates the process of self-healing and transformation in order to create a life of authenticity and purpose."
~ Blue Star
Learn more about Energy Healing, and how it can change your life by scheduling an appointment with me here....