Blue Star Energy Healing

Authentic Soul Design + Quantum Human Design +Holistic Health

An invitation To Your Quantum Human Design


As I journeyed Through My AwaKENING And DeConditioning Process…

There were aspects of my being and nature, that no matter how hard I tried, were veiled and simply beyond the grasp of my understanding.

As an energy healer for over 20 years, I felt confident in the esoteric stuff but somehow life on this planet evaded me. Truth is, I am much more comfortable existing in the natural world than life on this Blue Ball.

My early formative years were nothing short of scorched earth and my relationships with people and groups were a mystery. Growing up, I was often bullied or experienced group persecution and abuse. Frankly, I am lucky to have survived. I felt like an alien in a foreign land and relating was like a foreign language to me.

And then there was the bitterness … my bitterness, resentments and negative thought-loops at not being recognized or understood became so amplified … I was dumping on my family. I was dumping on my friends. I was toxic!

Turns out I was missing the owner’s manual to my Energy BluePrint in order to simply be in my authentic Self

As a healer I am always experimenting with, dissecting and deconstructing the most ancient, newest paradigm healing modalities and spiritual technologies. Recently I discovered a modality that has blown me away in its healing potential and accuracy. It has brought so much rapid healing and understanding that I have been able to quickly shift my mode of being and toxic energy and become more fully aligned with my Authentic Self.

Things I had been subtly aware of and just beneath my consciousness became validated, confirmed and clear. Painful Issues and challenges I had been dealing with for over 20 years became fully visible in order to be healed. I now have answers!

I have been able to transform my bitterness and fully accept myself as a unique, once in a lifetime cosmic event. I use to feel so much stress at not understanding or fulfilling my purpose. I am still a work in progress but the one thing I know … I am uniquely designed. I am not a freak after all!

I Now understand that “being” and “becoming” my Authentic Self is my Purpose

I was so impressed with my rapid transformation I have become a Certified Level 2 Human Design Specialist in order to offer this healing modality to my clients. I am convinced and grateful for this profound healing modality that offers healing, validation and confirmation in all areas of our lives.

A Human Design Reading is a powerful diagnostic tool that is complimentary to Energy Healing and any other deconditioning process. It highly supports the Energy Healing Process and is considered a VIBRATIONAL HEALING ART. It supports with pinpoint accuracy to cut through the noise and chaos in order to get to the heart of the matter.

Human Design is Simplistic and Complex

I invite you to experience the Operator’s Manual to YOUR Energy Blue Print. I invite you to learn how you are so UNIQUE and divinely qualified that your PRESENCE on this planet is required!

For a Limited Time I am offering a 1 Hour Quantum Human Design Reading at an INTRODUCTORY RATE.

Human Design shows you who your Soul came here to be

I invite you to Book Your Quantum Human Design Reading. Offered for a limited time at an Introductory Rate



Mission Statement

"I believe supporting all living beings to reconnect to the Light activates the process of self-healing and transformation in order to create a life of Harmony and Balance"

~Blue Star

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~ Revolutionary Healing For Revolutionary Times ~

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