Blue Star Energy Healing

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Working In the Divine Light


Working In the Divine Light


"The Light hath intelligence..."


The creative endeavors of the Divine are but a moments meditation. Extending from the mind and focus of the Creator is the energetic formation of a Tree of Life. As this manifestation of the multi-verse gathers shape upon a swinging pendulum of fixation, our existence and the Tree, begins taking on the garment of matter. As our Creator ceases His meditation, this "imaged" creation of intention withdraws, and so our existence, back into the mind of God. ~Antonia Blue Star

Sound and Light

The first spark of light is created from impulse, sent forth into the depths of darkness. As impulse manifests in the radiation spectrum, its sound streaks through the darkness creating friction and heat, crossing the sound barrier and finally exploding into Light. ~Antonia Blue Star

Contained in the dimensions of Light and Sound is the frequency of Creation, the frequency of TRANSFORMATION. INTENTION. The information contained in the Om and Light is the frequency required to manifest the impulse, vision or outcome, the underpinnings of all existence.

Light contains information of life. When left to its natural application, Light seeks a state of health, harmony, love and equilibrium. 


“'That which hath been made was life in the creative thought, and the life was the lightGospel of St. John


All that we "see" in our astral vision is reflected through the Light. Light and Sound are life-giving and an aspect of the Divine. Light and Sound will seek to create balance and harmony. 

In the vibrational art of energy healing, we bring divine Light into a person, place or whatever situation requires transformation. In working with the Light, we may call in certain attributes and frequencies such as peace, healing and prosperity or intuit healing outcomes to a particular issue. The directing of energy healing works through intention. We have but to think, feel or "see" it.

Divine Light purifies and breaks through stagnation, creating transformation and movement to equilibrium. Light will bring to the surface dysfunctional belief systems, patterns, relationships or illness needing to be cleared, transformed and released.

When an energy healer brings Light into any situation, the Light will seek balance, harmony and transformation. The situation, or state of being has no choice but to transform. The practitioner may clarify attributes of the Light as to outcomes or situations, however, as " Light hath intelligence", ultimately it needs no instruction as our Higher Self and the Light knows the best possible outcome on all levels, in all dimensions.

As an energy healer gains access to their Higher Self and their divine garments of Light, also known as the light body, over-soul, and is united with their angelic being, the healing is amplified. Working in the highest frequencies of OneNess, the energetic awareness of the healer brings to bear the most sensitive of perception intuiting dense energies, entities, lineage issues such as curses, spells, demons and dysfunctional belief systems. When the energy practitioner literally "shines a Light into the darkness..." of our dysfunctional patterns, these patterns and belief systems become visible in order to be transformed, cleared and released. The burden and darkness of the being is literally lifted bringing with it clarity, healing and peace.


"I believe supporting humanity to reconnect to the Light activates the process of self-healing and transformation in order to create a life of authenticity and purpose."

~ Blue Star

Antonia is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Ataana Healing Method, a highly transformative, multi-dimensional, healing modality.

Learn more about Energy Healing, and how it can change your life by scheduling an appointment with me here....